10:25 AM EST - Gold Hunter Resources Inc. : Announced that its common shares have been uplisted to the OTCQB® Venture Market in the United States under the new trading symbol "HNTRF" effective immediately. The Company will continue to trade on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE: HUNT) as well as on the European Frankfurt Stock Exchange (6RH). The OTCQB Venture Market serves as a premier trading platform for emerging companies, offering greater visibility, liquidity, and transparency to United States investors. Companies must meet stringent financial and regulatory requirements, including annual verification, management certification, and compliance with U.S. securities laws. Gold Hunter Resources Inc.
shares C.HUNT are trading unchanged at $0.10.
Full Press Release: https://www.baystreet.ca/quotedata/quote.aspx?ticker=HUNT%3ACNX&qmodStoryID=6552107373878849