09:53 AM EST - Buscando Resources Corp. : Announced the initiation of a high-resolution airborne magnetic survey at its Foggy Mountain Project, located north of Smithers, British Columbia in the Toodoggone region. The survey is being conducted by Precision GeoSurveys Inc., and is designed to better understand the subsurface geological features of the property and refine potential exploration targets. The property wide survey will cover 42.9 square kilometers and is expected to be approximately 233 line kilometers with an east west orientation, spaced at 200 meter north/ south intervals. The survey, expected to commence in February 2025 (weather permitting), will support the identification of magnetic anomalies indicative of mineralization. Precision GeoSurveys has a proven track record of over 700 surveys in remote and challenging terrains, ensuring high-quality data collection. Buscando Resources Corp.
shares C.BRCO.X are trading unchanged at $0.16.